Tuesday, May 06, 2008


I am one of those people who believes that it is never too late to change... never too late to start something new, and never too late to become a different person.

Each day is a new chance to start fresh and become a better person. I have been having trouble focusing on getting my work done lately and I need to do that. I also have been slacking off on going to the Y and for the first time in 8 weeks, I didn’t lose any this week.

So I woke up this morning determined to get my head back in the game. I have an endless to do list that I will tackle. By mid morning our dryer vent should be unplugged (after the dryer itself was repaired and thoroughly cleaned, and I need to wash several loads of laundry. The pile that I posted yesterday hasn’t gotten smaller and I can’t do any laundry until the vent is professionally cleaned. I have a conference call by phone this morning, so I hope that it isn’t at the same time -- might be hard to hear will the “super-duper high power vacuum” sucks up who knows what out of the dryer vent.

Yesterday when the dryer repair guys were here (yes, apparently when you come to my house, you need two) I asked them if they had found a small child in the dryer. They responded, “no but we have found evidence of some.”

Yesterday morning I was happily on my way to drop off the last of the kids when I was informed that Salinda had chosen not to get up. Since she never talks to me in the morning, I don’t bother her... but she didn’t feel well and instead of letting someone know that, she simply stayed in bed. Of course, Rand called me from home, where he was and where she was, to ask me if she was coming to school when I was in the van across town. Yeah, think about that for a minute.

So dealing with her, first thing in the morning, kind of threw my day off. I told Bart this morning, “If I could just make it until 8:00 without someone throwing my day off, I might get stuff done today.”

What are the odds of that happening?

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