Monday, May 05, 2008

Can You Help Me?

About two and a half years ago, a single woman emailed me and said that she was interested in adopting a sibling group of children. She mentioned wanting lots of children and how this had always been her dream. She wanted to know if I could help her. I told her I could.

Four months later, while this woman was completing her paperwork, I took a trip to Texas. I was told about a sibling group of six children, ages 5-17. Their issues seemed overwhelming and with the age spread I told the supervisor of the unit that I was doubtful I would ever find a family for them.

Meanwhile, Debbie (who told me I could blog this) was working with me to get her homestudy done and she told me about her life. Having always worked with children -- nanny, day care, school paraprofessional, she had never been able to adopt internationally because of the cost (because, as we all know, our society certainly does not pay those who care for our children well). She wanted a sibling group of YOUNG children, and was emphatic that she would consider nobody over 12, would prefer them to all be under 8.

We finished her homestudy and I made a video of her to show to workers when I travelled and spoke to various groups. While in Texas, the same supervisor with the six kids came up to me after seeing the video and said, “What about those six kids I told you about last spring for Debbie?” And I responded, “She said nobody over 12 and there are three teens in that group!” But my supervisor said we would present any kids to any family so we would talk about that.

And I“m sure you know the rest of the story. The kids have done so well in her home since they moved in almost a year ago. Debbie is a great mom and the kids have responding to her consistency and nurture. I’ve found the kids to be delightful and will miss our monthly visits ... though not for long. The adoption was finalized Friday and Debbie is ready to get her homestudy done and adopt again.

During court on Friday, the judge interviewed each of the kids and it was hard not to tear up with each ”yes“ as he asked each child, ”And would you like Debbie to be declared your mother today?“

You can see a video about finalization here.

1 comment:

Angela :-) said...


Angela :-)