Monday, October 01, 2007

Court Reporter

Well, she told them she wanted to go home. But she continues to be either silent or rude to me.

I have her cell and she has no home phone privileges. She cannot have visitors. She will have an ankle bracelet on for at least two weeks, possibly longer. The probation officer has already stated that she feels that an out of home placement might be necessary to get her on track.

I asked her what I should do if she started to disobey our rules immediately and she said to call her right away. So, she will either decide to do waht she is told, cooperate and not force us to pay with her nasty attitude and get herself out of this mess, or she will get herself locked up. The choice now is hers.

i told her I was glad she was coming home and that I loved her but that I was done getting played and she was going to follow our rules. Period.

And now I finally have someone with power (and the funds to pay for a placement) to back us up. We'll see how that plays out.

But this is not a bad position to be in.


FosterAbba said...

Have you found your missing car yet?

Claudia said...

No, car is not recovered. In fact, there was a cash card in the car, but it belonged to one of our sons who only had about $25.00 in his account. It is being used for small purchases....