Monday, October 01, 2007

I'm Following Half of My Plan

My plan for Salinda was to be stern and factual and make the guidelines very clear as to what I expected and to take it nonchalantly and not stress out about it.

Part one of the plan I'm doing well. Part two not so well. She has been refusing to do what I ask for over 2 hours. I simply asked that she not sleep on the couch in front of the TV when it was chore time as I did not want that example being set for the other kids. I told her at 3, reminded her at 3:45 and then did one final check at 5:00 to make sure she understood me.

She overheard Bart telling me that Rand's debit card is missing and was quite rude, insisting she didn't have it and that Tony probably did. I chuckled inwardly and reminded her that we were pretty sure they didn't take debit cards at Juvenile Detention so we weren't suspecting that she had it. I also reminded her that it was in the vehicle and that was still missing and that none of this would have happened had she not stolen the vehicle. I suggested to her that her attitude was not helping her and I'm attempting to shut my mouth.

Then she had the audacity to tell me I needed to take her to her friends house to get her contact solution and contacts. I told her I wasn't really feeling much like doing that right now. Apparently her retainer is there too and she muttered something about how I was the one that was going to be sorry when I had to pay $5000 more dollars for her to have braces again if her teeth went crooked. I simply responded that if they went crooked again, then she would have crooked teeth.

I'm handling the first part of this pretty well. I just wish I did better with internally handling the conflict.

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