Monday, August 07, 2006

Why I Don't Get Enough Sleep

Good morning everyone. How are you?

If you listened to the radio broadcast last night you’ll know why I started my post that way. It’s a joke, folks.

Last night we had people from the church here until after 9. At about 9:15 John called from his friends house saying he wanted to spend the night. So we had to take him his meds. About 9:45 we tried to get everyone to settle down. The girls wanted to sleep on the tramp, which I thought would be a good plan for a night when John wasn’t here (otherwise he’d probably do something to them).

I must also add that it was REALLY hot in here as our air is not working. Which, of course, is no surprise, since we have been invaded by a mechanical demon this summer and things just keep breaking one by one.

Anyway, the kids were hot and riled up from having company and nobody wanted to go to sleep. Around 10:45 I hear the girls running in from the tramp, going to the little boys room to accuse them of trying to scare them. Dominyk was fully clothed on top of his covers and Tony was missing. So I got them settled down.

Ten minutes later Kyle came in to tell us that he was going to get John because John had changed his mind about spending the night.

Ten minutes after that Tony was making so much noise I had to go in and settle him down. He was trying to sleep on the desk in his room because he said the top bunk was too hard.

I made one additional trip into their room later, and finally things settled down around 11:45. I woke up several times, quite sweaty, and then had to be up and ready to greet the plumber at 7:30.

I’m feeling a liiiiitle bit groggy this morning.

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