Thursday, December 03, 2009

He Changed his Mind and Now There are Nine

Last night John called and asked if he could come over for JImmy's birthday party, which I reminded him was this coming Saturday and not yesterday. I told him that we were going to have supper at church like always on Wednesday. He asked if he could come along. I said he could. And then he said he was spending the night, getting a ride to school this morning, and needed a ride to his sex offender group after school. He is wondering why he doesn't have a chore this month.

I have NO CLUE what is up with him and why he is going from one extreme to another. I'm happy to have him here if he is being compliant, and I'm happy if he is happier someplace else. I don't like the unpredictability of the ins and outs, but I can even tolerate those if he is doing what he is supposed to do.

But I thought you'd like to have an update on how many people live in our house. It's even tough for me to keep track when it changes every day.


GZimmy said...

Hey, Claudia, maybe he discovered there's a thorn in his bed of roses.;-)

Linda said...

Maybe he feels like he has some control this way, I don't know. But life is not always greener on the other side is it. Geez, we could have told em that. As a matter of fact I'm sure you did, but what do YOU know! You're just a mom!

Kathleen said...

One year we began hosting our first AFS student (an ONLY child)on a Friday. We had 2 a-kids and 2 b-kids living at home then.
1. ds invited a friend to spend the weekend beginning that Friday.
2. dd got kicked out of Youth Nat'l Guard and spent a night at home before we got her into another place the following Tuesday or Wednesday.
3. college student friend of ours from a different foreign country had several days between housing while dorms were closed and dropped in to sleep on the couch mid-week (he was welcome, of course)
4. ds spent the following weekend at home from Job Corps, WITH a friend he brought home.

I swear our poor AFS kid didn't know who was "really" part of our family for weeks!! (But he loved the craziness of it all and we still love him and keep in touch.)