Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Health Education

Apparently, Dominyk had what used to be "5th Grade Health" in 4th grade and he learned about parts of the body. For those who offend easy, stop reading.

He made up a song this evening and sang it for me several times. I can't remember exactly how it went, but it was sort of like this:

"I haven't seen my scrotum for a long time,
I haven't seen my scrotum since I was skinny.
I'd really like to see my scrotum and my testes and my penis
cuz I haven't seen my scrotum for a long time."

He then asked me if it would be OK if he yelled to the motorcyclist next to us, "NICE TESTES." I assured him that it would not.


debbie said...

i am telling you, stand up comedy!!!

Sheri said...

I would love to spend some time with Dominick. He sounds like fun . . .

Jennifer said...

All I can say is BOYS!!! At least he is using proper terminology which shows he is educated LOL

Marcella said...

>>." I assured him that it would not.<<<

ROFLOL!! Its a guy thing. Gotta love educated young men.