Saturday, May 05, 2007

You Get an F Minus

I dream like my father. Almost everything else that I have received genetically came from my mother's overpowering genes. But I dream like my dad.

People from all over my life, crossing time and place, appear in my dreams.

Last night in my dream, Bart and I were both trying to go to college in addition to everything else we are doing here. We were both taking a college class from Dr. David Eaton who was our professor then and is still teaching now.

I had been gone for a week to Texas on a speaking engagement, and when I came back realized that I had missed a huge assignment. We were in class and I was SO mad at Bart for not reminding me. He had a packet of the most professional looking, graphically beautiful project ready to hand in and he hadn't even told me it was due.

Several people were offering to help me cheat. Another Cindy who I have only seen at a distance by accident and never met in person, but read her blog every time she posts, was offering to let me copy hers. Sarah the ninth grader shown here was giving me tips on how she did hers. I was not going to cheat, but I was not sure what to do.

I tried to talk to the professor, but he said he could not accept late work, even if I was out there trying to change the world by geting kids matched.

I came home and found the midterm grade sheets had come in the mail. Right along with our son Mike's grades (he was only failing one) was a long list of every class I was taking. This was very shocking, since I didn't even realize I was in school. I was getting a D or an F in EVERY class except Dr. Eaton's class. In that class, I was getting an F minus.

Now, I had Dr. Eaton 25 years ago, and I never got less than an A from him, but here I was, 25 years older, getting an F MINUS.

I went in to talk to him. He said, "In my book a 0 is an F- Minus."

And my only come back, "I am SO gonna blog this!"

1 comment:

Yondalla said...

My father is a college professor who tells me that at the end of some of the freshman comp papers he writes a "Q" followed by the comment, "because an F just isn't low enough."