Sunday, October 01, 2006

Dominyk and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Morning

We started out OK today, though I had no time to blog this morning because both Tony and Dominyk’s one pair of good church pants were both missing. We had to scramble to find something appropriate for them to wear.

Then we got to church and I promised to blog the best picture they could draw while I had choir practice before first service. That seemed to keep them fairly busy. They (the little kids) sat in the second pew while I sat in the choir loft for the whole service and I was very proud of them. The service this morning I felt was exceptional... I’m used to good preaching, I’ve been married to it for 10 years, but sometimes the whole service just flows together. It was World Communion Sunday and each time Bart served communion to one group he encouraged us to remember or brothers and sisters in Christ in a different continent until by the end of the communion time we had prayed for believers all over the world. The choir number we did was beautiful and everything flowed well. Plus we did the musical setting for communion which means I get to hear my husband sing a “solo” and he has a gorgeous voice that he hardly ever uses in a solo type context. Anyway, I digress.

However, after Sunday school, we announced that we were staying for the 1st twenty minutes of 2nd service to watch Sadie do her liturgical dance. Dominyk lost it. Now that he is 10, losing it isn’t as obvious as when he was three, but he definitely lost it. He started to walk home and I had to send a teenager (not one of mine) chasing him down the street. Then he refused to sit with me, and kept changing pews. We were in the back row, but he was loud. And of course, Bart’s “boss”, the District Superintendent and his wife were visiting us on this, of all Sundays of the year. (Much to my horror, he shared with me that he reads my blog occasionally! I better be CAREFUL. :-)

Anyway, Dominyk just couldn’t handle the whole thing and was swearing at me and moving from pew to pew in the back. He was restless and touchy and he and Tony were punching each other. I was trying not to make it worse, but he was really agitated. He gave me his “blog picture contest” entry, which had been crunched up into a small ball. When I opened it, it was a lovely depiction of male genitalia, and when I told him I was going to blog it, you should have seen his face. I think I’ll probably add Sadie’s picture of a family of monkeys instead.

When Sadie finally did dance, Dominyk thought it was silly and dumb and started to snicker. She had to walk right in front of us, but miraculously SHE kept her composure. She was beautiful and serene and plain lovely. I complimented her a zillion timese.

When we got home, Dominyk was trying to find a pair of pants to wear. The beginning of the summer, and I do not jest, he was wearing 12 slims. Today, all of the sudden, I made him try on all 6 pairs of his 12 regulars and not a single one fits him. He has put on a lot of weight this summer. He thinks he is fat, but he just finally has some meet on his bones. He has a different combination of medications that started this summer, and he went from looking like he lived in a concentration camp for several years, to having “love handles.” But I knew a couple weeks ago all his pants fit him and now they do NOT.

So, he is itchy and has a cold and only two pairs of his jeans fit and they are both dirty (now being washed). He hates shorts, hates sweatpants, and with his sensory issues, only certain things feel right on his body.

So, guess where we have to go today? Yup, we gotta go buy some 14s because Ricardo is wearing all the 14s we have... which weren’t many. I think a lot of our older boys skipped 14s so my supply was pretty low.

And all the 12s are going to the goodwill. Because never again in this house will we have a boy that wears a 12. I’m not going through puberty more than 10 times. Period. If/when we adopt again, the kid is going to be at least 14 if I have any say in the matter (but for some reason Bart loves 11 year old boys, who, in case you haven’t noticed, drive me NUTS).

So Dominyk is calmed now because he is taking a very long shower and waiting for his pants to be washed. It will help with the itchy and will help with the nasal congestion. I doubt the hot water will last until the end of the washer/dryer cycle, but at least he’s calm for a moment.

Ah the joys of special needs parenting.

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