Sunday, April 22, 2007

One of THOSE mornings

This morning was . . . ugh. I don't even want to relive it by telling you about it. Basically it was a meltdown by one of the kids who hardly ever meltsdown and my not-so-flattering response to it. But it's over, and we've been through morning worship, 2 kids playing handbells, one kid in dance, a senior recognition service for Rand and his other friends, and a Senior Recognition Luncheon.

In a half hour I am leaving with Dominyk and his buddies to visit Chuck E. Cheese. I didn't realize until it was too late that the only kids he invited were the ones from his EBD classroom. So, it's me, the 4th grade EBD room, and Chuck E. Cheese. Kari mentioned that it might be a new level of Dante's inferno.

Salinda has offered to go along and help and keep me company. Don't know why, but I'll take it.

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