Thursday, April 12, 2007

Where Do I Begin . . .

to tell a long long story that isn’t my own?
Bart and I have a friend. We met him in college. We have known him for almost 25 years.

Several years ago I decided his life was boring. I told him he should adopt and it would get more exciting. I was right.

Six or seven years ago he was matched and placed with an 11 year old boy with multiple diagnosis who has proven to be VERY VERY hard. He has hung in there with him through thick and thin -- psych hospitalizations, multiple arrests, drug use, juvenile detention, residential treatment. He (the dad) has been a victim of physical abuse at some points in time. But he has never stopped loving his son and never considered disrupting.

Last summer he decided to adopt again. I had him matched very quickly with what seemed like a perfect situation. The social worker was very excited. When our friend agreed to take his younger sibling as well, we were all thrilled. But there were a couple others who did not want the child matched with a single dad (even though the child had been legally free for many years and no one else was interested, especially not in both boys together, as the younger was much more difficult).

Yesterday, after our friend had met the child last month and was ready to get him, the people who were not interested in the children going to a single dad got a hold of an old police report. I will leave out the details, but in an altercation where an ambulance was called for the Dad, a few of the kids’ friends reported that during the scuffle, the dad had kicked the son.

That’s all it took. The placement is not going to happen.

I don’t have the emotional energy to describe exactly how wrong this is. The boys will now most likely be split (they have already been separated from two of their siblings). They will have yet another loss in their lives as the oldest had already begun to bond with our friend.

But even more troubling to me is the fact that an adoptive parent is being punished for sticking with a very tough kid. Had our friend disrupted the placement two or three years ago, he could get matched easily right now. But he has hung in there, loving this horribly damaged, mentally ill child through thick and thin. And his reward for sticking with a tough kid? He won’t be allowed to hang in there for another two who he was willing to parent.

I can’t keep writing about it. It makes me too angry, too frustrated, too jaded.


Mammy said...

What is WITH people already??? I read a number of blogs, one called Holly Mama Midwife...or something like that. Anyway, she went to Zambia to adopt and somebody called over there to complain because she already has so many kids. WHAT? I am amazed at how small and petty some people can be - do they not realize that ultimately, they are tinkering with the KIDS lives, that its the KIDS they are hurting???

Simply amazing. Makes my head want to pop right off.

Jennifer said...

THis is what is wrong with our soceity we live in. People dont want to help and others want to prevent people from helping. It is a sick sick world we live in.

debbie said...

My thoughts and heart are with your friend. This could end up being any one of us.

Becky said...


If these people were actually doing something to help kids, they wouldn't have time to meddle where they don't know the whole story. I worry that people will stop blogging and sharing their experience for fear of being targeted.

Anika Marsha said...

That is horrible. That is really horrible.