Saturday, April 07, 2007

Thinking Alike

Should I be scared that Cindy and I were thinking alike and though, on opposite sides of the country, headed to the cheap theatre with our families today?

Bart and I saw Amazing Grace an awesome movie about abolitionist William Wilberforce in England. It was one of those great, inspiring, true stories of a person more than willing to do what God had asked him to do, in spite of how hard it was and how long it took. it was a story about the power of one man (with a great woman beside him, by the way) who took on evil and fought until he won.

In fact, John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, penned his last letter from his death bed to Wilberforce. Found here, part of it states

Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be fore you, who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? O be not weary of well doing! Go on, in the name of God and in the power of his might...

How well that applies to our mission in parenting our children!

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