Sunday, November 05, 2006

Dream Vacation

Well, Salinda seems to be enjoying her dream vacation. I, on the other hand, am finding it to be simply OK.

The friend Salinda and her friend were going to stay with ended up calling to say that she was not going to be home after all. So, I couldn't stay with the friends I was going to stay with. Salinda's friend that she was going to bring along turned into 2 friends, and we rented a hotel room because I already had a meeting set up near here for tonight.

But Salinda is very nice to me when she is around her friends and the girls are really pretty good kids. I bought them snacks, they swam, and soon I will be going to bed while they stay up. I brought a little Tylenol PM with me so I would be able to sleep through the giggling that will ensue the second I close my eyes.

One more thing to whine about and then I will stop. It is HOT in this hotel. Very hot. Usually I am cold, but the business office I am sitting in (because the wireless connection nor the ethernet cable in my room will work) is stifling and Salinda has our room the temperature of a sauna.

The fact that I'm coming down with a cold probably doesn't help.

But otherwise things are fine at home (I just called) and things are fine here, and it appears that the Fletcher Clan has survived yet another day.

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